Explore Germany

Germany has an incredibly rich history that has had a large impact on Christianity and Western Civilization: Herman’s heroic stand against the romans; the stalwart faith of Saint Boniface; Martin Luther’s unwavering defense of the role of faith in salvation; the brave stance against tyranny by Sophie Scholl, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and others.

Explore the Christian history of Germany and discover the many ways that God has worked through the region of Germany. To get started, watch these short videos on German History and read the Germany travel guide.



18 October 2017

And we're off!!!


18 October 2017

This is the part where the "real" side of this trip will show those of you who don't know this about me yet that I am the "trip air-head". Simply put my passport was tucked safely in the pocket of the seat in front of me in our MSP to Detroit flight long after I left the plane gate in Detroit. 😨 God had mercy ... while I was praying and near tears about ruining the trip before it even started He had already planned to show me that He is sovereign even in the details. That while I can always fail, he is faithful to provide. The lovely gate people were about to close the door when we rushed up and begged them to check the plane. The gate attendant had a wry smile on his face when he saw the panic on mine when they returned from the search... And he waved that little blue book in the air. So I'm still going to Germany tonight! Praise God!


19 October 2017

Our first treasure hunt was a success! This hill and those chapel walls are testimony to the work of God in a lone man willing to stand for right. Stay tuned for the story of Boniface!


19 October 2017

Herman Monument (LIVE)


18 October 2017

Thanks for all your prayers!


18 October 2017

About to leave North American soil for the first time in my life.


19 OCtober 2017

We just rented the weirdest car ever... No offense to those who like this sort of vehicle... It's got incredible milage so the penny pincher in me is having a party.


19 October 2017

It was 9 AD and the Romans marched through Europe undefeated... Until they encountered Herman in Northern Germany. The Teutons loved their common law government, their independence from Rome and were skilled in wilderness warfare. By God's design, the Teuton victory at the Battle of Teuteberg Forest had a huge impact on history. When Luther inspired those 16 Northern German princes to bare their necks and resist the Roman Catholic Church, he reminded them of Herman and the history of German freedom. And this is why Germany was so ripe for Protestantism! God's plan in history is incredible!


18 October 2017

Detroit selfie attempt... Waiting to connect with Kevin and Em.


18 October 2017



19 October 2017

We found it! The first Christian missionary to Germany came here in 723. Boniface fearlessly felled a famous oak dedicated to the worship of Thor where human sacrifices were regularly offered and when the German's saw he remained alive and well they turned to worship the one true God. A chapel was built from the oak on the site where it was felled and oak from that chapel still remains in the interior of this church to testify of God's redemptive plan.