A Christian Response to COVID-19
Sébastien Bourdon, “Moses and the Brazen Serpent,” 1653-1654
The Christian response to pandemics must begin with the recognition that plagues do not just happen. They are not random, and they are not abstract. Every plague that befalls mankind in the Bible is sent from God as a judgement upon a people. If we don't recognize that God is sovereign, that he has sent this plague upon the world, then we will look for the solution and salvation from it's effects in something other than God.
Our continual cry for the federal and state governments to place checks and limits upon the society—in ways not warranted by God's Word—is a demonstration of the syncretism of our humanistic and Christian faith. Solomon said “As a man thinks, so is he.” What we live out is the demonstration of what we truly believe in our innermost parts.
I don't desire more people to die from the coronavirus. I don't want to expose anyone to any viral infection. I am personally taking steps to prevent the transmission of the virus. I have maintained this personal practice since long before this time, since I believe it applies to all sickness, not just the COVID-19 virus. This is my self-government under God's law.
The practice of quarantining sick persons, and those exposed to sick persons, is a requirement of God's law. This has been the standard practice of quarantine since ancient times. I see many people who are doing this today. The application of quarantine laws also extends to the weak and at risk so that we are required to take precautions so as not to expose them.
None of the Biblical quarantine laws give any authority to the civil government to close private industry and move against private property. Private industry and the church are to be the primary care centers for the sick and continued ministry to the healthy. Restrictions, as we are seeing them placed upon the healthy population, are a vile repudiation of God's revelational social order.
National “social distancing” is more novel than the coronavirus. It has never been implemented before now. There is no other way to describe it than as a social experiment. There is no evidence to demonstrate that social distancing works. An experiment where millions will be harmed (economically, mentally, physically, etc.) is immoral, and must be called out as such.
The policies are morally wrong as they ascribe to the government salvific responsibility. We must fear God. We must honor the emperor. The Law of God was delivered to a people who were redeemed by God out of a monophysite nation state (Egypt believed that the Pharaoh was one nature of God and man). They were to take over the land occupied by other monophysite nations. Molech worship is also particularly called out in God's law. We often think of molech worship in terms of sacrificing children or having children walk through the fire. The concept behind this is king or state worship. Molech means king. God's law absolutely forbids any move or drift toward a statist social order. This was the sin of Israel when they rejected God as King and wanted a king to judge them “like all the nations.”
Our responsibility as Christians is to live as a people who do not fear death, but rejoice in what is our promised reward. We must help others. We must speak out against the sin of statism. We must encourage one another and strengthen the resolve of those around us because the outcome is sure. God's kingdom will grow. Christ's name will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Christ has overcome death by his resurrection, and by faith we shall overcome the world.